How do we help

What can we help you with?

almost everything

Advice at level 1 covers virtually all areas of law

We can assist you with nearly all areas of concern, including, among others, advice on:

  • Rental agreements, including settlement upon moving out, termination, and dissolution, contract review
  • Separation, divorce, division of property, child support, etc.
  • Custody and visitation rights
  • Prenuptial agreements and wills
  • Cohabitation
  • Probate and inheritance matters
  • Social cases and appeals against decisions by public authorities
  • Residency matters under immigration law, EU law, and association agreements
  • Citizenship cases
  • Employment law, termination, holiday pay
  • Compensation cases for injuries, violence, malpractice
  • Insurance cases
  • Consumer purchases
  • Contractual matters
  • Debt matters, enforcement cases, and debt restructuring

If your inquiry pertains to the following areas, our assistance will be limited to basic verbal advice:

  • Matters predominantly of a commercial nature, provided you are still an active business operator
  • Criminal law, where you are charged or accused in a criminal case
  • Defamation cases
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Aarhus Retshjælp CANNOT assist with the creation and drafting of documents such as wills, prenuptial agreements, property settlement agreements, etc. Furthermore, we do not assist with filling out tax returns.

Who can get help?

Basically all...

Aarhus Retshjælp offers advice in three levels. Initially, anyone, regardless of their income situation, can approach Aarhus Retshjælp for guidance on resolving a legal issue.

Level 1

Level 1 provides basic verbal advice, where you can receive guidance on your rights and options after an evaluation of your legal problem. This consultation is your foundation to decide whether to proceed with your case and, if so, how to advance.

Aarhus Retshjælp aims to promote self-assistance, so those capable can be directed on how to proceed with their case on their own.

In certain cases, we may offer additional advice at level 2 or 3. In other situations, we might refer you to relevant public authorities or a lawyer.

Consultations at level 1 are typically anonymous and free for all, regardless of income levels.

Levels 2 - 3

Levels 2 and 3 encompass both advice and actual case management, including communication with adversaries, application for legal aid, procedural documents for minor claims, drafting of payment demands, and submission of complaints against decisions by public authorities.

Level 3 might also include further advice intended to facilitate a settlement in a dispute.

As a general rule, advice and assistance at levels 2 and 3 are provided only if you meet the financial criteria for legal aid. For more information on these criteria, please refer to our rates.


We have a duty of confidentiality

Counselors and employees employed by Aarhus Retshjælp are bound by confidentiality. This means that they must not talk to others about you and your situation. However, the advisers are allowed to talk internally (with each other and the manager in charge) about conversations and the questions they raise.


All conversations with an adviser are confidential, and we do not use social security number in the counselling.


The only exception to the duty of confidentiality is the duty to notify and to defend it.

 If we receive the information that a person's life is in danger or a person under 18 is being neglected, we have a duty to act on this. You should know that it is extremely rare that we come across these situations. If this happens, we will try to find a solution together with you. In extreme cases, we may have to notify the municipality or the police.

Frequently asked questions

find the answers here

  • Can I remain completely anonymous?

    Yes, Retshjælpen can provide advice on an anonymous basis if it pertains solely to verbal consultation. Retshjælpen's employees are bound by confidentiality and may not share your personal information with others, including authorities. Therefore, you can confidently inform your advisors about your legal issue.

  • Can I call you instead of coming in person?

    Yes, we offer telephone advice on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 11:30 to 12:30, and on Tuesdays from 17:30-18:30. However, the telephone advice is only suitable for short, precise questions that do not require going through relevant papers. You can call at 86 20 82 70.

  • When is Retshjælpen open?

    Retshjælpen is open for personal advice at the following times:

    Tuesday from 16:00-19:00, Wednesday from 13:00-16:00 and 16:00-19:00 (Immigration law advice), Thursday 11:00 -16:00, and Friday from 10:00-13:00.

    Please note that you will be assigned to the same weekday and advisors who have advised you. This means that, as a starting point, you cannot receive advice on another weekday thereafter.

    Remember, our advisors provide their assistance for free and unpaid in their spare time. Therefore, it is only possible to switch to another weekday if there is a special need for it.

  • Is there a long wait to get help?

    The waiting time depends on how many people contact us on a given day and how complex the issues are on that day. Therefore, it's a good idea to make an appointment or prepare for some waiting time. During busy periods, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that everyone who has shown up will get to speak with an advisor before legal aid closes.

  • Do I have a right to help from Aarhus Retshjælp?

    No, it is the advisors at Retshjælpen who determine whether assistance will be provided for the specific case.

  • Is Aarhus Retshjælp only for citizens of Aarhus?

    No, everyone is welcome to receive advice from Aarhus Retshjælp. However, if you earn more than the income limits for "fri proces", we only provide a general verbal advice that can help you assess whether to proceed with your case, and if so, how.

  • What documents should I bring?

    For example, lease agreement, decisions, employment certificate, purchase agreement, contracts, agreements, will, previous correspondence, etc.

    To advise you on your case, depending on the type of case, these are examples of particularly important information for us, and therefore should be brought already at the first meeting.

  • Do you offer parking options?

    Unfortunately, we do not. However, we are located close to the city's parking facilities, and there are several bus lines accessible nearby.

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